Wednesday, April 13, 2011

it's the eye of the tiger

it is said that if you encounter a bear to remain still/passive or play dead. I do not think that I would be able to do anything of the sort. Let me encounter an animal who is deterred by a person going bat shit scared and then I should be fine.
My usual reaction to something scary is to scream like a little bitch. Unfortunately for me, this never happens when I am alone. The latest incident was a couple of weeks ago my parents were visiting and my dad and I were standing in the kitchen talking. I backed up against the garbage can and triggered the lid to open and seriously almost peed my pants. I let out my bitch shriek and  spilled the water bowl I was holding all over the kitchen.
One of my favorite scares is when I had a mouse in the house and Allyson and I were picking up traps (after it had been caught). As stated in a previous blog, I never do anything half-assed so there were quite a few unused traps that had been set. We were picking up the unmoused traps and I was sure to let Al know that she needed to be careful so one didn't snap her. And yes, I used snap traps, not the humane ones. I MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE. So anyway, I put the traps in a garbage bag and of course one snapped.... this was not a little scream by any means.... I would be willing to place money that it at least lasted 7 seconds..which is a long time in scream terms. This of course let into one of my and Al's laughing fits where neither of us can breathe.
Last week when I came home at lunch I was frightened by a hawk with a broken wing in my yard... I gasped and wondered how in the heck I was going to get in the house when I realized it was a silkie puppy eating grass.
I also often get scared by my raincoat at work. I have to hang it on the side of my cube and I catch it out of the corner of my eye and think it is a person standing there...this is the time I let out what I call Yelling the Whispershits..which is exactly what it sounds like whisper yelling the word shit. it is not necessarily your inside voice but low enough that not too many people hear.
I also freak out when birds fly at the window.. so much so that I actually duck down. Birds are strong, people. I think they could break the window if they knew I was on the other side of it. Birds also freak me out in the parking lot. There are crows that sit on the light near where I park that have made me late to work because I have to wait on them to fly away. There is a reason that groups of crows are called MURDERS. Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. You need to write a book!!! And I am SOOOO serious becuase you tell a story like no other! I love you!!!! PROTECT THAT HOUSE!
