Saturday, July 23, 2011

school learnin'

you know how there are moments that you never forget- I have a few from middle school- the one that I remember clear as day although it was never pointed out to me as being wrong- is that when I had to read outloud in Health class, I would pronounce the word "fatigue" as fat-i-goo. Yes I did. Now i flashback to that moment everytime I see or hear that word.
When we were taught to read, were we not taught to sound that shit out? How can something like that still make me feel like a moron?
Why wasn't there more emphasis on economics or whatever? Until this week, I couldn't fully understand why the government couldn't just print more money to get us out of debt. I still don't fully understand all of it but I was schooled by a fellow Bob Honker on why money can't just be printed so that was good.
Now I wonder why there were not classes on stuff like
Recovery in Social Situations - this would teach you how to recover and keep your dignity when caught doing something totally douchey in public. For example, being caught dancing/ air drumming at work, drooling on yourself at dinner, falling off the treadmill, etc. This is a class that I still need. I tend to make it worse by my reaction to the embarrassing thing I did.
Dancing in Public- more people need this class than not. I would like to speak more on the subject but I am one of the ones that needs the class. I and others need to realize that some dances are not timeless... the roger rabbit, choking the giraffe, cabbage patch... NOT TIMELESS. Although I love dance parties, I try to keep them at the house even though I dance so badly that there are times when I genuinely believe that I have scared Ruby. Dance parties break out often at my house, washing dishes, doing laundry, waiting on Ruby to come inside. Sometimes she joins, most of the time she looks at me like I am crazy. This is the same look she gives me when I slam out the air guitar.
Being a Grown Up - this class would include how to remember to change air filters, pay bills on time, how to grocery shop for actual meals- not just buying Bagel Bites and Pop-tarts for the week. I cannot remember to change my air filter to save my life.

What other classes? Hmmm need to think about that one....


So I haven't done a music post in a while, so I figured I would do one and I am focusing on cover songs. By no means am I saying all of these songs are better than the originals, but some are- you be the judge..
Creep - Brandi Carlile- her voice is crazy, I can't get enough of it- She sings the SHIT out of this song. She also has a great cover of Hallelujah but my favorite cover of that song should be no surprise to anyone.
Hallelujah- Jeff Buckley- this song is probably one of the most covered songs out there... but Buckley added something to this song that no one has, as lame as it sounds,I feel his soul when I hear him sing.
My City of Ruins - Eddie Vedder- this man can sing....I have been a fan of his since middle school when i wore my Pearl Jam "Jeremy" shirt almost everyday to school. His cover of this song had to make Bruce Springsteen proud.
Addicted to Love - Florence and the Machine- I could listen to this girl sing just about anything. I think it is impressive when someone can take an otherwise cheesy song and make it awesome.
Green  River - M. Ward - love this song
Midnight Rider and Buckets of Rain - The Wood Brothers- Buckets of Rain is one of my top 5 Dylan songs- these guys do it justice
Hey Ya - Obadiah Parker - I freaking love his version of this song- this song is on many different playlists on my ipod. He rocks it. I have had to take to not listening to this one in the car because I get lightheaded whilst singing it.
I'm on Fire - Kelly Dalton - mellow cover and again one of my faves
Forever Young - Audra Mae & the Forest Rangers. There have been quite a few covers of this song but this one is my favorite
Private Eyes- The Bird and the Bee - fun song, again not a song that I would normally listen to but I like their version
It's a Long Way to the Top- Lucinda Williams - she makes it sound so dirty :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Mario!!! From Al and Ash

One, two, three and to the fo'
Moondust and Alice are howling at the do'
Ready to make and entrance so back on up
Cause you know we know you know what's up
Gimme the crack gum first so I can blow an effing bubble
Matias and B together now you know you in trouble
Ain't nothing but an age thing, baby
Today's our brother's birthday so we're crazy
Please understand and don't dare taze me
Untameable so please don't try to tame us
But back to the birthday at hand
37 is perfection so Ima let em understand
from a young O's perspective
Before we dish out some cake cause that's the objective
You never know he could be seeing your pic and stealing your pic and at the same time posting your pic
Now you know that movie's dvd quality
If he's sleepin at his desk just pretend you don't see
and you know he's more mellow than an Easter peep
His Birthday's gonna be the bleep bleep bleep
Well if it's good enough for Domo to take a chunk
We'll take a small piece of some of that funky stuff

It's like this and like that and like this and uh
It's like that and like this and like that and uh
It's like this and like that and like this and uh
Mario we hope your birthday's the shiz, son

Ain't nothin but an age thang baby