Wednesday, March 16, 2011

damn vultures

So I mentioned my quirks which I guess will be the a recurring theme on this blog... I have been in SC for about 10 years or so and lately I have been noticing turkey vultures, which to a normal person wouldn't be a big deal but they straight up make me dry heave. I can be driving along and there will be a "sleeping" deer and a slew of turkey vultures. It doesn't matter how many times i see them I just start dry heaving and because I never do anything half assed, I will continue to heave until I get to my destination or something else distracts me (which is hopefully not more vultures because there is probably no coming back from that)
once when I was leaving my sister's house one flew by my car and i swear it had a limp cat. It landed on a neighbors house and I'm not going to lie, everytime I pass that house I see that turkey vulture staring at me with his eyes.
ick red head vulture
i heave on my drive to work
you leave for long time

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